EPITA develops training programs of excellence, which allows it to have its operations and its diplomas certified. This guarantees a unique quality of teaching to its students and all its stakeholders.
The school has also built up a network of partners so as to be at the heart of the higher education ecosystem and professional communities, including ones involved in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, areas in which the school has been active since its creation.
It is also promoting social openness and gender diversity in the digital sector, as well as the social responsibility of its graduates.
As a higher education institution, EPITA certifies its initial training courses, for both students and apprentices, as well as its continuous professional training courses, thereby attesting to the quality of its teaching.

The EPITA engineering school is a state-recognized private higher education institution, whose diploma is certified by the French ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation.

Engineer Diploma from CTI – EPITA has been certified to deliver the Engineering Master’s Degree and other Masters by the CTI, Commission des titres d’ingénieur, since 2007. This certification was last renewed for the maximum duration of 5 years for students and apprentices in 2019.

Label EUR-ACE – EPITA has been certified to deliver the Engineering Master’s Degree, other Masters and the European label by the CTI. This certification was last renewed for the maximum duration of 5 years in 2019.

RNCP Level 6 Certification – Bachelor’s Degree – Bachelor of Science and Engineering – Cybersecurity

Label Master of Science from CGE – The three Masters of Science programs offered by EPITA, MSc in Computer Science, MSc in Artificial Intelligence Systems and MSc in Artificial Intelligence & Marketing (in collaboration with EM Normandie), have been labeled by the CGE.

Label BADGE from CGE – EPITA offers a certified professional training program with a quality label issued by the CGE. Obtained at the inception of the program, this label attests to the superior level of the diploma and validates all the skills taught by combining theoretical fundamentals with professional practice.

Label CQC from CGE – EPITA and ISG obtained in early 2021 the CGE Label for the nano-certificate in “Artificial Intelligence and chatbots for business”.

Label SecNumedu – The System, Network and Security (SRS) specialization major has been awarded a label. Issued by ANSSI, the label is given to initial cybersecurity higher education training courses that comply with the charter and training criteria in the field of computer security. EPITA’s continuous professional training courses in cybersecurity have been awarded the SecNumedu FC (“Continuous Training”) label.

Label Bienvenue en France – The quality of EPITA’s international student welcome program has been awarded the Label, with the highest level of recognition issued in 2019 by Campus France.

Quality Certification FLE – The French language teaching center at EPITA is certified by the organization France Education International. The label has been renewed in 2023 for the maximum duration of 5 years with the highest level of recognition.

Certification ISO 9001:2015 – EPITA is ISO 9001-2015 certified, attesting to the quality of its organization. ISO standards are reviewed every five years. EPITA is certified to the latest version of this standard. The certification was obtained in 2020
EPITA is involved in academic, research and professional networks, to carry out its teaching mission by integrating all stakeholders.

Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) – EPITA is a member of the Conference of Grandes Écoles recognized by the French Government, delivering a Master’s degree. The school’s membership guarantees its compliance with the demanding criteria of the CGE, which cover its structure, recruitment methods, academic approach, international openness, links with the business world, student support and the nature of the diplomas

Union des Grandes Écoles Indépendantes (UGEI) – As a member of the Union des Grandes Écoles Indépendantes (UGEI), a recognized player and stakeholder in higher education for more than 25 years, EPITA benefits from support in its dealings with institutional bodies. The UGEI defends the values of its 36 member schools: independence, excellence, innovation, humanism and secularism.

Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI) – As an institution accredited by the Commission des titres d’ingénieur (Cti) to deliver the title of engineer, EPITA is a member of the CDEFI, whose mission is to represent engineering schools and universities of technology to the French government, the European Union and international organizations.

Campus France – EPITA is a member of Campus France, a public institution in charge of promoting French higher education abroad and welcoming foreign students and researchers in France.

IMPACT AI – EPITA is a founding member of the collective, the Think & Do Tank of reference for ethical artificial intelligence in France. As such, EPITA participates in the reflection, projects and promotion of AI.

Campus Cyber – A founding member of the Cyber Campus, whose mission is to federate and promote the French cyber security ecosystem, EPITA is undertaking a series of actions to meet the challenge of training new talent, through initial and professional training. A new apprenticeship program has been created for the needs of the Cyber Campus.

IONIS Education Group – Since 1994, EPITA has been a member of IONIS Education Group, the leading private higher education group in France with 26 schools and entities. It is present in 26 cities in France and internationally with nearly 30,000 students in business, marketing, communication, management, finance, IT, digital, aeronautics, energy, transportation, biotechnology and design.

The Erasmus program is a student and teacher exchange program between universities, European “grandes écoles” and educational institutions around the world. This program is part of the European Higher Education Area.
Every year, EPITA establishes new partnerships to formalize its long-standing relationships or to initiate new collaborations with organizations at the heart of its activity.

Commandement de la cyberdéfense (COMCYBER), to formalize the commitment and investment to work together over the long term, to develop the skills of young talents in the field of cyber defense.

Garde Nationale – EPITA has strengthened its long-standing commitment to the fight against cyber-crime, by signing the Charter of Reciprocal Commitments between the [?], early 2019. A stakeholder in the national defense actions of the Citizen and Operational Reserves, since their creation, the signing of this charter allows for better recognition of the actions already carried out and strengthens partnerships with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces

Marine Nationale – In 2020, EPITA signed a partnership with the French Navy to ensure the visibility of internship, job and apprenticeship opportunities for its engineering students, to start their IT career in the French Navy.

CESIN – Strongly committed to the field of cyber security, EPITA is a member of CESIN.

Amazon and Article 1 – To encourage more young girls to become engineers, EPITA is partnering with Amazon with its program and with this association, which helps finance the education of female baccalaureate students on scholarship and support them during their studies.

Elles Bougent – EPITA’s commitment to gender equality in the digital sector is also reflected in its partnership with this association, which works to transmit the passion and encourage the vocations of young girls for the engineering profession.

France IOI – A long-standing partner of the association since its creation, EPITA provides financial support and regularly makes available the premises needed to organize the training courses organized by the France IOI association for the International Computer Science Olympiads (IOI) and the European Junior Computer Science Olympiads (eJOI).

Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) – Since 2013, EPITA is a Silver partner of the FIC. With this partnership, students of the System, Network and Security major organize every year the Forensic Challenge for the participants of this national event.

Assises de la Sécurité – Since 2018, EPITA has been a partner of the Assises de la Sécurité, a major cyber security event, through the production of an annual white paper “Cybersecurity & Innovations”, produced by students in the System, Network and Security major.

Les Cadettes de la Cyber Les Cadettes de la Cyber is a program of the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC), launched in 2021. It aims to encourage young women to move into the cybersecurity/cyber defense field, by supporting them through high-level mentoring/sponsorship, giving them access to additional training and support for integration into professional life